Monday, January 1, 2018

Which way is up?*

What a strange year you were, 2017.

It was a year that found me in a delusional state.

1. I thought I had my love life figured out (in more ways than one) -

2.  So much work was coming my way that I became somewhat desensitized to it all. Also, NG.

3. I knew that something was up with me internally, and knew that I needed to make a change, and the end of the year was spent mostly prepping for that. A LOT of work, mostly packing to move to a new place and all that came with it, but I did it all of it solo. At the time, I just had to get the things done. . . but looking back on it now, I realize that it was a huge transition time for me, and I'm still in that time now. . . but I'm at the end of the tunnel now and able to see the light.

and on a positive note:

4. I realized JUST how much I love writing!

*Let's find the light together 2018!

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