Thursday, August 15, 2013


I get bored at times.

Don't we all? 

The writer Haruki Murakami's telling quote: 
"I never get bored,"
makes me think 

is ennui
opposite of 

In my own life, in-action has never been a good thing. 
especially on a day when I feel alright, nothing is 'wrong'-
By 'wrong,' I mean not getting enough sleep, for example, or the feeling you have after having a terrible fight with a friend
on a regular day  
this dull feeling that nothing you do matters to anyone

the b-word creeps in
a fine mist, 
tar-black night

Maybe it has something to do with being indecisive- seriously, I'm the worst when it comes to mundane decisions- well, besides an old college friend of mine (a male doppelganger perhaps) Christopher. 

In college, I recall driving around for hours on end, destinationless, 
occasionally asking one another, 'What to do?', all the while giggling at the absurdity of the question itself. 
A or B? 

Sometimes what I want is someone telling me what my next move should be, my personal work Irish deadline setter. 

Dance helps-- dancing around with reckless abandon, usually alone in my apartment. And it makes sense that when the lines are blurred in my mind, that the thing which is the most fulfilling, regardless of its worth, is always 
the right thing to do.

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