"I was thinking of you today, because for some odd reason, I got in a long conversation with my co-worker about acting. He was saying how he always wanted to take an acting class, but never had the chance, so he was wondering what it was like. . . and I was talking about how there are lots of different types of acting teachers, and how one acting teacher's method of teaching might help one student, but not another--- so how when I taught acting, I tried to use different methodologies in each class. My co-worker was really into karate, and the movement technique in martial arts when he was younger, so he wondered if acting was mostly movement/physically based, and I was saying how, in my opinion it is very physical, but at the same time how you can do everything "correctly" and not be believable, so there is that "x" factor that is more of a mental leap than anything, and a certain technique often helps a person get there. (Although, truly, I think that eventually an good actor develops their own technique, and method to get them to that place, and then you get to a point where "a method" falls out the window, and you just do things intrinsically . . . whatever works.)"
I went to the islands with a blank notebook now overflowing
spent days with local people,
Germans, Italians, Austrians, Spanairds
lounging around all day in teal water at white beaches so bright you want to cry or sing or both
snorkelling with sharks, getting drenched in downpours, eating more roti canai than a person should
now, on my way home, I realize that this is my favorite time of year, following a dark season of the soul, I open my eyes and see a new star twinkling, laughing above me
lost in a daydream, I remember a year ago
a decision to change
the river's course forever
all exciting and new, scary
and feeling lost, I went toward the one thing that moved me