Friday, January 27, 2012

There are worse things. . .

than not writing everyday.

Tragedies do occur. Being in the acting world for so long, one can forget that real life, especially in times of grief, is all-all consuming.

I agree that I sound maudlin' despite the fact that I'm trying so hard NOT to.

What I mean, is that, grief colors one's world. What I wanted to believe (what happened was a horrible dream; I will wake up tomorrow, and it will all be over), isn't even half the truth. When I wake up the next day, things won't be better; in fact, I will feel worse--- not unlike a terrible bout of influenza.

Feeling this feeling of missing someone who is no longer there reminds me of high school; loving a person who didn't love me back, the feeling that without this love, things would never be the same.

Except it's 100% worse.

There are two certainties in life, so it goes, and I'm not talking about taxes.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Year's Resolution (no 's')

click click click

One big resolution.


Write everyday.
Without fail.

It's been a long dry season----life in the desert isn't fun at all, unless you're a cactus.

She sits in a thoughtful pose. She was planning to make a long list of resolutions, but ONE is enough.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


It never occurred to Midori, but perhaps some things needed to be worked out, before moving on.....