Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Visitor

And just who is "The Girl with No Name?" he asks, tilting his head to the left.
"Well, she is the one who remembers and tells the story of 'Peach and Plum.'
He is clearly thinking about something; a specific question, but for some reason, he doesn't ask. Instead, he takes off his coat.
"You have heard the story of 'Peach and Plum,' haven't you?" she asks.
He smiles. "You know that I haven't. The story isn't written down yet, right?"
She smiles shyly. "Yes, that's true."

Later on that night, after he's left, she sits down at her desk with a mug of chocolate peppermint flavored coffee, sent from the other side of the world.

"If I don't write this down, who will?" she types.