Monday, March 22, 2010

bon to bon to bon to

Listening to one of her favorite songs, she reflects. The waiting time is always the time to discover something new. A too well planned life never bodes well, or at least it never delivers what it promises. She finished writing the story of her life (or at least the most recent development in the large scheme of things) but now, having read it feels like it doesn't quite capture what happened in that moment of time. If only time could be captured, she thinks, it would be nothing short of shocking pink.

Friday, March 12, 2010

dancers and feelings

a turn of recent faces, new ideas. She sits typing at her computer wondering if what she's feeling is good or bad. Maybe best to not categorize it, she thinks, and best not to act on impulses, but rather savor the moment. That's what it's really all about, perhaps. The feeling of attraction is not a call to take action, but rather akin to a blessing.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Drinking coffee at home isn't so bad she thinks, sipping her usual milky latte out of her favorite cup. I don't have to worry about whether the barista is going to make my drink quite right, the way that I like it. Today, and for the last couple of days, she's felt a vague sense of disalluionment, finding out that the few things that she thought she had a wee bit of control over, she doesn't. Must I always try to play it safe? No. Not at all. But good to play it smart. Maybe things aren't headed in the direction that I think they are. In fact, maybe the best thing to do is to give up all control over what will happen in the future, let go of those reins that I'm holding so tightly, she thinks. Easier said than done naturally. What to do now? Go for what I know is Good, the capital G in it's proper place. Forget the other ambitions, wants, needs, desires. When it all rains down like houston in a miracle season, the G is what it's about.